With so much going on in the realm of sustainability, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and only a limited amount of bandwidth for professionals in this space, I have created this post to highlight articles that I feel are (1) important, (2) relevant, and (3) interesting in the areas of social innovation and entrepreneurship.

If you have an article, or event, that you feel needs to be mentioned, please do so in the comments section.

Why we need small farms – An awesome photo piece on small farmers. Individuals, and collectives, that supply up to 70% of the world’s food.

A China Veggie-Selling App May Be Worth $7 billion – Being a “mission driven” entrepreneur is business.

Vegan Company Reportedly Sets Sights On IPO

The “Beef” With Plant Based “Meat” Product Labels – No one said changing the world was easy, but this article seems to suggest that some of those barriers may be coming down.

Worker-owned co-ops are coming for the digital gig economy – An interesting article on the future of the gig-economy and organizations.