With so much going on in the realm of sustainability, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and only a limited amount of bandwidth for professionals in this space, I have created this post to highlight articles that I feel are (1) important, (2) relevant, and (3) interesting in the areas of social innovation and entrepreneurship.

If you have an article, or event, that you feel needs to be mentioned, please do so in the comments section.

Patagonia’s environmental mission hasn’t just been good for the planet — it’s also boosted the bottom line .  Good news. Being a better corporate steward is profitable.  Now, if only we could get more CEOs to buy in.

Nearly 200 CEOs just agreed on an updated definition of “the purpose of a corporation” – Pledges are easy, but the nice thing about pledges from corporate CEOs is that we only need to wait a quarter to see the results

The truth on poverty reduction around the world An interesting, if not blunt assessment of why Africa has failed to keep up with the rest of the world on reducing poverty. Key to this was economic growth and migration, something Asia has performed at perhaps the highest levels on over the last 25 years. However, while the article focuses on migration as a rich-to-poor country migration, what we see in Asia is more of a rural to urban migration.

Nestlé admits slavery in Thailand while fighting child labour lawsuit in Ivory Coast – While cases like these are bound to come up in any large supply chain, the fact that Nestle is employing child labor in multiple regions of the world would indicate that their leadership has not made this a priority any more than their commitments to deforestation.

Recycling is all about being taken for a ride – A pretty honest assessment of municipal recycling, and the value of materials that are being collected, the value of those materials, and why “recycling” isn’t the solution.

Marketing the climate emergency – A great piece, with a lot of things to consider, on how we should be communication “sustainability” for improved action vs. apathy. Some great tactical information.

River of no return: Mekong faces grim future – The Mekong is in real trouble. How are we going to urbanize the next 2 billion Asians without water?

Food after oil: how urban farmers are preparing us for a self-sufficient future – An area of focus for me. I recommend others get up on urban farming as a way to increase resilience in our cities.